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We are open to any and all contributions for future issues of Oden Annual. 


If you'd like to contribute, please email us.  This publication is made up entirely of folks who volunteer their work. Some are professional photographers or writers, many are professional other things, like gardeners or retirees or accountants or historians.  Whoever you are, we'd really like to hear from you.


Talking with your mouth full, and other times you were so excited, is the loose prompt for Issue 4.  We're thinking of moments when a story, a quip, a fact, is so exciting, so important, that it bursts out even if it breaks a few rules on the way.  We're thinking of hilarious misunderstandings, unexpected successes, and beautiful failures.  Please tell us the stories that you will one day blurt across a table, racing to keep up as the story rolls out in front of you.  They can be ranting or investigative or personal.


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